An American spy infiltrates North Korea during the World Dodge Juggle Championships where he's forced to choose between a Dodge Juggle victory, and saving the world from global thermonuclear war. His choice...may surprise you.
Now casting for the following roles
Engleblart Haumptyback
The lead - an American Spy recruited to infiltrate North Korea under the guise of a Dodge Juggle athlete due to his uncanny hand-eye coordination and superhuman proprioception. After acquiring the ability to juggle and developing a new deadly martial art overnight surreptitiously named "Juggling Kung Fu", Engleblart quickly rises to the top of the Dodge Juggle world ranking, earning a spot for him and his team in the World Dodge Juggle Championships which the US suspects is a distraction from North Korea's attempt to nuke all but one country while the world is captivated by the live coverage of Dodge Juggle, the world's most anticipated sport of the year.
Video Audition
Record a 1-2 minute monologue improvising what may be your last communication to the world where you reveal your true identity and the mission you're about to embark upon. You can direct this to your girlfriend, your mother, the American people, the President, or anyone else you trust to tell your story should you not make it back alive.
A hard nosed detective who's been following the Dodge Juggle tournament circuit for years having always suspected foul play. Late 40s to early 50s. Facial hair and dad bod a plus.
Video Audition
Record a 1 minute monologue improvising the frustration you've experienced following the Dodge Juggle circuit and repeatedly being outsmarted by the players you suspect to be double agents. This time you believe it will be different and the past 20 years you've spent neglecting your family will all pay off when you score your big bust at the World Dodge Juggle Championships in North Korea. You do not believe jurisdiction does not apply to you. Or perhaps you've never heard of it.